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First Name Mikhail
Last Name Kugach
Born 1939-01-02
Country Russia
We proudly present you a new name in our Gallery-worldwide and in its Russian part - Mikhail Kugach. This year after having organized a number of exhibitions in the United States Mikhail kindly agreed to become an honoured member of our internet gallery.

The artistic path of Mikhail Yuryevich Kugach has been marked by tradition. His parents, Olga Grigoryevna Svetlichnaya and Yuri Petrovitch Kugach, were both well-known artists. Their son not only inherited their creative talents but also the desire to continue in the spirit of the Russian Realist school of art.

The teachers of his parents, N.P. Krimov, S.V. Guerassimov and I.E. Grabar knew how to inspire young talents with the artistic skills of the old masters.

All that remained for Mikhail Kugach was to follow the deep moral principles which characterise Rusian art.

Mikhail Kugach's preferred subject matter is landscape painting. For this he needs the "heart of a hero" in order to grasp and depict a certain state of nature. His sensitivity towards nature is a constant challenge.

An untouched landscape is a composition in itself and must be interpreted with feeling. In his portraits, still life works and interiors, Mikhail Kugach attemts, above all, to express the imagery of human feeling and experience.

His love of people and of nature is enhanced by a positive attitude towards life which has brought him not only personal inner satisfaction, but also success.

Mikhail Kugach is a permanent participant in all the major art exhibitions in Moscow and other Russian cities. His works are represented in the major museums and art galleries in Russia such as the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, and in many local museums, and are included in notable private collections abroad.

Most of his time is spent in the countryside in close contact with its people. Here he devotes his creative activity to all the beauty of the Russian landscape, to the fields and forests, the rivers and lakes and honours the Russian people with their open Christian souls and deep minds.
Canvas used for oil painting that is typically made of linen or cotton, stretched very tightly and tacked onto a wooden frame. Linen is considered far superior to the heavy cotton for a canvas.
by Kugach
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Old dam
by Kugach
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Board - used as a surface for art, often refers to a piece of wood lumber or a durable she...
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