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First Name Mauricio
Last Name Bouzas
Born 1982-09-28
Country United States
In 2003, Mauricio met his other half and future wife, Robyn. He learned that true love was not an impossible dream. After starting a new life with Robyn in New York, Mauricio found that new doors were opening for him each and every day. Learning about and knowing his wife also meant knowing himself. This new knowledge and understanding of life, love, and himself, inspired Mauricio to begin painting.

Mauricio's Surrealist paintings are made using acrylic paint on canvas, and show a clear understanding of the design principles he learned as an Architecture student at Mexico's University of Monterrey. His paintings depict a sincere comprehension of these principles in combination with raw talent and intuition.

Although his careful strokes and evocative use of space suggest otherwise, Mauricio has yet to take an art class. His surreal shapes and inventive concepts convey a distinctive perspective that has attracted attention from art collectors worldwide. Mauricio is a rare talent, but it is his unique point of view that makes him exceptional.

Mauricio's work depicts his conceptualization of the world. His approach adds complexity when needed, as can be seen in his insightful decomposition of the ostensibly simple mother-child interaction, "Mom and Dad;" additionally, Mauricio showcases his ability to navigate through complex material in his highly praised series, "The Seven Deadly Sins."

Painting serves as a way for Mauricio to express himself in which he can be uninhibited. He hopes that his paintings will encourage people to submerge themselves in emotion, temporarily neglecting the desire to rationalize every aspect of life.

Artist Statement

Surrealism is one of the tools that I use to represent Ideas, Feelings, Thoughts and points of view about general life.

Pragmatic art of the consciousness is how I call it, my life and life itself is a never ending story of ideas, feelings and thoughts and never reaches a final "reality" or absolute truth in my opinion, so, I use art and constructivism of images to bring the first images that come to my mind when thinking of a feeling or idea and I look through my paradigms to compose a painting.

My work explains with surrealistic compositions and analogies the way I view life.

Some are self experience and some just stories from the past; others may be the image or my interpretation of a situation mostly focusing on the feeling.

I expect my paintings to bring the viewers paradigms to life the way they do for me.

I use a deep conscious meditation to let my mind, by nature, disturb reality so that I can be able to paint raw thoughts and feelings leaving the rational images outside the canvas.

I hope that someday my work will be perceived as a more genuine picture of reality. Since the images and compositions are made before the rational side takes part.

Mauricio Bouzas Gasque 0/0/2009

Exibitions in USA:

Amsterdam Whytney Galley Chelsea NY- 2008

International artexpo New York feb 26- Mar 2, 2009

Palm Beach Florida Galley opening March 10 ,2009

Ico Galley- NYC- April 3rd 2009
Still life is a pictorial representation of inanimate objects.
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