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First Name teodor
Last Name baciu
Born 1959-02-27
Country Romania

The world that we live in overvalues the physical needs, neglecting the spiritual ones. And one of those needs, hidden deep in our soul is our need for Beauty. We meet this Beauty everywhere, but we indifferently walk by, overwhelmed by our daily  worries and sorrows. We don’t need any sort of special sensitivity or a very fine aesthetic taste  in order to appreciate it. All we need is a little bit of time … just  stop for a while and admire! Let Beauty reveal herself ! Let Beauty surround you !

    We would like to share with you a glimpse of  Beauty created by a painter who has transferred  his soul on canvas. Many painters , poets, writers, and other artists  become famous only after their death. Neglected during their life time, worshiped today …

     Unfortunately  Baciu Teodor Teofil seems to share the same fate; the true value of his arts is still unrecognized. Who knows, maybe only death will do him justice. Life has never been kind to him, but  his modesty and the joy of painting helped him  get over troubles and disillusions. He has been painting since he was seven years old, and his first graphic representation was a cross – like a premonition of his artistic path.

      Between 5th and 12th grade he attended  the Octav Bancila Art School – Iasi. After graduating from high school  he kept painting . He has not studied arts at the University, but, due talent and hard work he has developed a personal style. He has created more than five thousand works – wood paintings, canvas, mural paintings, graphics and coal paintings. His work consists mostly of landscapes and flowers, combining inner riches with the nature’s colors and shapes riches. He also has painted many portraits, compositions and decorative works. 

     He has had more than ten personal and group exhibitions :

- at Casa Tineretului, Iasi, 1976 – personal exhibition
- at Sala Victoria, Iasi, 1978 – group exhibition
- at Aeroport, Iasi, 1980 – personal exhibition
- at Sala Victoria, Iasi, 1982 – group exhibition
- at  Mihai Eminescu Museum, Iasi, 1984 – personal exhibition
- at Casa Armatei, Iasi, 1989 – personal exhibition
- at Palatul Culturii, Iasi, 1992 – personal exhibition
- at Palatul Culturii, Iasi, 1997 – personal exhibition, curated by Radu Negru
- at Johanesburg, South Afrika , 1998 – personal exhibition
- at Hala Centrala, Iasi, 2000 – personal exhibition
- at Moldova Mall, Iasi, 2011 – personal exhibition, curated by Maria Boz 

Many of his  works have been sold and exhibit abroad – in countries like England, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, USA, China.



Lumea are un fel ciudat de a se ingriji de nevoile trupesti mai mult decat trebuie, neglijand astfel nevoile sufletului. Iar una din aceste nevoi, parca ascunse de fiecare dintre noi in strafundurile sufletului propriu, este nevoia dupa Frumusete. Si chiar daca intalnim aceasta Frumusete la tot pasul, trecem pe langa ea cu raceala, cu indiferenta, drogati parca de ingrijorarile, necazurile si amaraciunea noastra. Ca sa putem privi si aprecia Frumusetea, nu ne trebuie o sensibilitate speciala, un «ochi» de critic estetic. Trebuie doar sa ne facem timp pentru ea, sa ne oprim inaintea ei si sa o admiram. Caci astfel, ea insasi ni se va dezvalui si ne va invalui, bucurandu-ne si incarcandu-ne sufletul. Oare vom dori sa fim mai frumosi?

            Va prezentam aici un crampei din aceasta Frumusete, creat de mana unui artist, a unui pictor, care s-a incarcat cu Frumusetea din afara si apoi a pus-o pe panza, spre a o vedea si altii, spre a se umple si ei cu ea.

            Domnul Baciu Teodor Teofil face parte din acea categorie de artisti care nu sunt recunoscuti ca adevarate valori, decit poate abia dupa moarte. Viata i-a rezervat un drum plin de greutati, deziluzii si izbituri. A stiut sa treaca peste ele prin modestie si prin bucuria pe care i-a adus-o imortalizarea Frumusetii. A pictat inca de la varsta de 7 ani, iar prima lui reprezentare grafica a fost o cruce, ca un fel de premonitie a drumului artistic pe care avea sa-l aiba dupa aceea. In clasa a V-a de gimnaziu s-a inscris la Liceul de Arta Octav Bancila din Iasi, unde a continuat sa studieze artele plastice, pana ce a absolvit si clasa a XII-a. Desi nu a urmat nici o facultate de profil, a continuat sa picteze, dezvoltandu-si un stil personal, prin munca asidua, dar si prin cizelarea sensibilitatii si talentului propriu.

            De atunci si pana acum a realizat peste 5000 de lucrari, constand in pictura pe panza, pe lemn sau pictura murala, grafica si desen in carbune. S-a orientat mai mult spre peisaje si flori din natura, valorificand si imbinand astfel Frumusetea din afara cu cea dinlauntru sinelui propriu. A pictat insa si multe portrete, compozitii si lucrari decorative. Ca stil, s-a apropiat de impresionism si de abstractionism.

            A deschis peste 10 expozitii personale si de grup, dintre care mentionam:

-        la Casa Tineretului, Iasi, 1976 – personala

-        la Sala Victoria, Iasi, 1978 – de grup

-        la Aeroprt, Iasi, 1980 –  personala

-        la Sala Victoria, Iasi, 1982 – de grup

-        la Muzeul Mihai Eminescu, Iasi, 1984  – personala

-        la Casa Armatei, Iasi, 1989 – personala

-        la Palatul Culturii, Iasi, 1992 – personala

-        la Palatul Culturii, Iasi, 1997 – personala, prezentata de regretatul critic de arta Radu Negru

-        la Johanesburg, Africa de Sud, 1998 – personala

-        la Hala Centrala, Iasi, 2000 – personala

-         la Moldova Mall, Iasi, 2011 – personala, prezentata de Maria Boz


Multe lucrari achizitionate de iubitorii de arta din strainatate (Anglia,Germania, Franta, Grecia, Italia, SUA, China) au fost expuse de acestia peste hotarele Romaniei.

An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist artists sought to break up light into its component colors and render its ephemeral play on various objects. The artist's vision was intensely centered on light and the ways it transforms the visible world. This style of painting is characterized by short brush strokes of bright colors used to recreate visual impressions of the subject and to capture the light, climate and atmosphere of the subject at a specific moment in time. The chosen colors represent light which is broken down into its spectrum components and recombined by the eyes into another color when viewed at a distance (an optical mixture). The term was first used in 1874 by a journalist ridiculing a landscape by Monet called Impression - Sunrise.
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