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Artwork by Styles
Traditional 2921
Modern 397
Contemporary 7
Abstract 51
Figurative Art 2
Folk Art 87
Artwork by Media
Painting 3332
   Acrylic 48
   Oil 2976
   Dry brush
   Water-based 296
   Mixed Painting 12
Drawing 60
   Pastel 22
   Pancil / colored 4
   Charcoal 3
   Graphite 8
   Chalk 2
   Ink 2
   Mixed Drawing 6
Sculpture 92
   Clay / Ceramic 78
   Plastic / Polymer
   Wood 13
Other media 55
Artwork by Themes
Animals 49
Architecture 375
Fantasy 244
Floral 202
History 145
Humor 3
Nature 1898
People 479
Spirituality 75
Still life 341
Transport 2
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by Shelest
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Let it be the justice to this world
by Severnaya
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Vera Ivanovna
by Loukianov
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by Severnaya
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by Severnaya
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by Chibisova
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