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Name  New Jerusalem
Price, USD  700.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  55.0 x 43.0 cm /switch
Artist  Alexander Kulemin
Year made  2002-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   History
Media   Watercolors
Collection   History of Russia
New Jerusalem is the monastery on the river Istra not far from Moscow where in 1656 Patriarch Nikon decided to recriate the Holy Land of the Christians with the exact copy of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. He founded Resurrection monastery there. It was Tsar Alexis who called this place New Jerusalem after he visited the monastery.

The architectural ensemble of New Jerusalem took shape in a short period from 1657 till 1697. Patriarch Nikon worked there as a simple monk. The description of a monastery can be seen in the book of Nikolas Witsen, who visited it in 1664. In 1681 Patriarch Nikon was buried in the Resurrection Cathedral.

After Bolshevik revolution the monastery has passed in management of the state. In 1920 it was founded Moscow regional historical museum. This has rescued New Jerusalem from plunder. During approach of fascist army to Moscow the monastery was desroyed. Now the restoration of the monastery is almost done.

This site give you an opportunity to make a small excursion in New Jerusalem.

The main temple of a monastery is Resurrection Cathedral, which was built as a similarity of a temple of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The model of a temple was brought to Russia by the Greek Patriarch Paisy in 1649. Paisy spent several months in Moscow. He met Tsar Alexis and Nikon, who was an abbot of Novospassky monastery. The influence of Paisy on the future Patriarch was a big one. Obviously in that time the idea of unification of the Orthodox lands under Moscow authority came to Nikon's mind. The model of the Holy Sepulchre can be seen in an exposition of New Jerusalem.

The entrance in a monastery opens the Over-the-Gate Church of the Entry into Jerusalem. This is an example of Russian architecture of the XVII century. The church is simultaneously a part of the wall which surrounds the monastery. It was built in 1690-1697 under supervision of Russian architector Jakov Bukhvostov. The wall has eight towers. There is a passage on the top of the wall with the small windows for shooting.

One of most grandiose building of XVII century Russian architecture is Resurrection Cathedral in New Jerusalem. It was built in 1658-1685. Another remarcable building is the underground church of St. Konstantine and Helena, which stands beside the Cathedral.

Near the Resurrection Cathedral you can see the Bell of Three Saints from the bell-tower of the church. The bell was made by monks Paisy and Sergei Turchaninov. On a bell you can see figures of the fathers of church: Vasily the Great, Gregory the Theologian and Johann Chrysostom. Their figures are framed by semicircular arches and barrel-type columns, which pattern is close to ornament of Resurrection Cathedral.

Outside and inside the Resurrection Cathedral is decorated by ceramics. The ceramic ornament girdle the perimeter of the building. The third level of the this ornament is the so called "peacock eye" (left upper snapshot), because it looks like an eye on a pen of the peacock. A breadth of the ornament is about 150 centimeters.
The Resurrection Cathedral is the unique monument of Russian architecture of the XVII century which has ceramic iconostasis. The interior of the building now is under reconstruction. Patriarch Nikon was buried inside the Cathedral on 26 of August 1681. Close by his tomb there is a plaque with the poetic epitaph on it.
You can see Patriarch's Chambers near the entrance to the monastery. Patriarch had 10 cells. Except Patriarch an abbot and some monks lived in this building. In the XVII century there was a pond in front of the Chambers.

The Refectory was built under patronage of the Tsar Alexis and his sister princess Tatiana. The construction of chambers was completed in the second half of the XVIII centuries. The building consists of Refectory and the Church of Nativity. Close to the Refectory you can see the Refectory Church. The place for its construction was chosen by Tsarevna Sophia, who in fact was the regent of Russia in 1682-1689. In 1685 Sophia participated at the ceremony of consecration of Resurrection Cathedral. There is an arch which connects the the Refectory and the Church.

Originally the fencing of a monastery was wooden and only in the end of the XVII century it was made by stone. Probably at the same time towers of the monastery received thiar Palestinian names: Gethsemane tower, Sion tower, Varukh tower etc.

Originally the fencing of a monastery was wooden and only in the end of the XVII century it was made by stone. Probably at the same time towers of the monastery received thiar Palestinian names: Gethsemane tower, Sion tower, Varukh tower etc.

The uniform creative intention is felt in a disposition of service houses of the monastery. They do not infringe the architectural ensemble and the perception of Resurrection Cathedral. The Malt House stands beside the wall between Ephrem tower and Damascus tower. As well as all servise houses in the monastery it has the roof with one slope.
The wall near David's House tower is decorated by semisecular niches. The Hospital is situated close to the Refectory. It was built in 1698 but got a final shape only in the beginning of the XIX century, when Russian architect Michael Kazakov worked in the monastery.

There is a small building outside of the monastery, which is known as the Hermitage of Patriarch Nikon. It the XVII century it was surrounded by water channel connected with Istra river. The Hermitage was the private apartment of Patriarch. There was a little church inside and some several rooms. The top platform of the building was a place of walking. Recently during the restoration of hermitage it was discovered that the floor of this platform was made of tombstones, which were used as a building material. Some inscriptions on them are visible, and it is possible to identify many names of persons. Thus, it was possible to reconstruct the unique medieval cemetery. The curious detail of an interior of t5he Hermitage is the unique XVII-century WC, which is located on the second floor. Now the Hermitage is closed for visitors and tourist groups.
Kulemin Alexander Sergeevich - born on May 3 in 1958 in Tver' city. In 1980-1985 his teacher was Andrej Vasnecov. Member of Russian Painters Union since 1990. In 1985-1990 worked f...
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