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Name  Winter. Rostov Kremlin.
Price, USD  3000.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  142.0 x 38.0 cm /switch
Artist  Alexander KOSNICHEV
Year made  1999-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Architecture
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Russian Architecture

formerly (12th-17th century) ROSTOV VELIKY ("Rostov the Great"), city, Yaroslavl oblast (province), northwestern Russia. It lies along Lake Nero and the Moscow-Yaroslavl railway.

First mentioned in the chronicles in 862, Rostov was an outstanding centre of early medieval Russia. In 1207 Rostov became the capital of a princedom, which remained under Tatar rule in the 14th and 15th centuries. In 1474 it came into the possession of Moscow under Dmitry Donskoy. At the end of the 16th century, Rostov grew in importance as a trade centre on the route between Moscow and the White Sea. Surviving buildings in the city include the kremlin, the Cathedral of the Assumption (1230), the 15th-century Terem Palace, and the 17th-century White Palace (Belaya Palata). Modern Rostov maintains a traditional handicraft of enamel on metal.

The foreigners always associate the word 'kremlin' with the Moscow Kremlin. But actually this old Russian name meant 'foretress'. That is why in every old Russian town you can meet its own kremlin.
Canvas used for oil painting that is typically made of linen or cotton, stretched very tightly and tacked onto a wooden frame. Linen is considered far superior to the heavy cotton for a canvas.
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