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Name  Lighthouse of Wishes
Price, USD  140.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Lith Art
Size, cm  38.0 x 70.0 cm /switch
Artist  Rita Valaikiene
Year made  2006-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Folk Art
Theme   Architecture
Media   Clay / Ceramic
''Lighthouse of wishes'' made from beatifull pieces of drift wood and ceramic . Ceramic part is glazed with wine , yelowish - grey glaze .
To ad naturalistic feel white sea shell , linen rope and bright red wood beads were used . If you make a wish and put wooden stopper ( hanging on the end of the rope ) into the hole ''wish machine '' will start to work . When wish comes true , you take the stopper from the hole and make another wish . And so on ...
Traditional representations, usually bound by conventions in both form and content, of a folkloric character and usually made by persons without institutionalized training.
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The snow-break. The tea set.
by Obrubov
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The vase
by Obrubov
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The vase
by Obrubov
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The tea set
by Obrubova
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