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Name  watery cave
Price, USD  85.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  40.6 x 50.8 cm /switch
Artist  Michelle Decker
Year made  2012-04-30
Style   Impressionism
Media   Painting
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fine art gallery - oil painting

high quality digital print on 100 lbs semi gloss poster.
An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist artists sought to break up light into its component colors and render its ephemeral play on various objects. The artist's vision was intensely centered on light and the ways it transforms the visible world. This style of painting is characterized by short brush strokes of bright colors used to recreate visual impressions of the subject and to capture the light, climate and atmosphere of the subject at a specific moment in time. The chosen colors represent light which is broken down into its spectrum components and recombined by the eyes into another color when viewed at a distance (an optical mixture). The term was first used in 1874 by a journalist ridiculing a landscape by Monet called Impression - Sunrise.
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by Golovaneva
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An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as...
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