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Name  Little oaks
Price, USD  6000.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  50.0 x 40.0 cm /switch
Artist  Andrei GERASIMOV
Year made  1995-09-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Nature
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Russian country-side
Russian Summer
Andrei Gerasimov is a painter who sees Russian fields and homely circumstances as an embodiment of the universal beauty and truth. The indigenous Russian mentality runs through his works and is expressed not exclusively through the subject-matter, but much more through a special Russian perception of the world.

A. P. Tkachev
S. P. Tkachev

The honourable artists of USSR
The members of Russian Academy of Arts
The Laureates of the State Rewards
Here is the list of quite similar items to the current piece of art. It combines: Realism style; Nature theme; Oil on canvas media;
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