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Name  Global Warming Series
Price, USD  Contact Seller / Artist
Status  Not for sale
Size, cm  50.8 x 25.4 cm /switch
Artist  Scott Chiu
Year made  2011-02-14
Edition  Original
Style   Abstract Expressionism
Theme   Weather
Media   Acrylic
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"Global Warming Series" - from top to bottom ; Etosha, Death Valley, and Arid.

œSome people call it global warming; some people call it climate change. What is the difference? Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists. Believe it or not, very little research has ever been funded to search for natural mechanisms of warming. It has simply been assumed that global warming is man-made. Climate change - it happens, with or without our help. The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.
Acrylic is a popular and versatile painting medium, using pigments dispersed in a polymethyl methacrylate vehicle. Acrylic paintings are generally less translucent than oil paintings.
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