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Name  Rainy Torzhok
Price, USD  900.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  80.0 x 60.0 cm /switch
Artist  Gennady Pasko
Year made  2016-09-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Architecture
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Old Russian towns
Golden names of Russia 3
Torzhok is an ancient Russian town situated approximately two thirds of the way between Moscow and Saint Petersburg (the capital of Russia in the VII century and one of its largest seaports). Torzhok has been a trading town since those times and ships passed to and fro along the river Tvertsa supplying the large cities of Russia, Western Europe and the Orient with goods and raw materials. At the Torzhok wharf ships arrived and departed with among other things, wheat, hemp, and morocco leather. Many of the handicrafts and skills acquired in those days have been developed and retained today.

The beauty and wealth of the historical architecture in the town make a great impression on visitors to Torzhok. Some of the buildings were designed by the famous architects whose works decorate Saint Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Torzhok itself is more than 1000 years old, and many churches, bridges, museums and other buildings remain in spite of the wars which took place throughout the history of Russia.

Torzhok has always had a poetic atmosphere and a spirit of history and many of the most famous writers of the XVII century stayed at the town during their journeys, to enjoy its calmness and charm, and to make some notes for their future works. The greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, who had a lot of friends in Torzhok, visited the town many times, and always spoke well of Torzhok and its inhabitants. As a result, today many popular tourist routes connected with the history, architecture and poetry of Russia pass through Torzhok.
People's Artist of Russia
Gennady Ivanovich Pasko was born in 1940 in the town of Suhumy in the family of a journalist. In 1965 he graduated from the faculty of applied art o...
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Nikitsky monastery.Pereslavl town.
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Toledo. River Tahoe.
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