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First Name Jessica
Last Name Seraphim
Born 1978-12-22
Country France

Jessica Seraphim, from France has been drawing, and painting for over 17 years. She's a graduate from SupinfoCom France holding a degree of 2D/3D graphics arts. 
She currently works in special effects (2D&3D) in the movie industry in Paris France. 

Jessica has always doodled and painted with different medias, opening her to another perspective of life. She likes to see the world differently.

She has spend all her life travelling in foreign countries, absorbing the culture and especially the art. She has a soft spot for arabic and indian art which have influenced her deeply.




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by Seraphim
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Otter Eating
by Seraphim
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by Seraphim
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Koala Eating
by Seraphim
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